First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Flower Essence Therapy
First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Therapyis a holistic healing modality supporting the whole person on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. It has a shamanic basis therefore we explore the underlying issues, the cause of what is going on for you at an energetic level, that is creating your problem.
First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® are a form of Vibrational Medicine that can assist to bring all aspects of your being into alignment, harmony and balance. Flower Essences are made with plants, pure water and sunshine.
In my commitment to excellence, I have chosen to work with the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand®, a powerful tool from nature. During a First Light® flower essence therapy consultation, we will work together to discover on a metaphysical level the possible underlying cause.
We will then select the corresponding First Light® flower essences to assist you to come back into balance, alignment or right relationship with your true sense of self, the soul.
The flower essence blend is dispensed and is to be ingested for one month. Depending on the issue, a follow-up consultation may be necessary.
First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Flower Essence Card Reading
The Sacred Plants of Aotearoa can give us invaluable insights into what is occurring for us through the First Light® Flower Essence Cards. Readings can be based upon particular issues we may be confronted with at this time and a First Light® flower essence blend is dispensed corresponding to the First Light® Flower Essence Cards that have stepped forward to support you with the issue.
Food nourishes the body, but flowers heal the soul. ~ Old proverb

First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Flower Essence Therapy Prices
This is for an initial session or if you would like a longer session and includes one 25ml First Light® flower essence blend. Attend in person or via Zoom.
This session is designed for follow-ups or for teenagers and children and includes one 25ml First Light® flower essence blend. Attend in person or via Zoom.
This session can be used for any issue that you need support with at this particular time and includes one 25ml First Light® flower essence blend. Attend in person or via Zoom.
* = includes shipping within NZ

First Light Flower essences of New Zealand®
“In my commitment to excellence, I have chosen to work with the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand®, a range of 185 native plant and flower essences that may provide total holistic support for all aspects of the being; physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. ~ Patricia
The Flower Collection©
Transform Your Attitude, Change Your Life – Personality Expressions and Attitudes
The 36 First Light Flower Essences Of New Zealand® flower essences No’s 1 – 36 focus on the personality, addressing the 36 personality archetypes, expressions and predispositions that can express in a positive or negative manner. They also address disharmonious attitudes, emotions, mindsets, responses, moods and states held at the level of the personality.
Reference: First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Reference Guide
“When we are expressing our particular personality type in its purest expression, we are in direct alignment with our soul or inner nature and are able to realise and give expression to our full potential.”
~ Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber
Reference: ‘The Sacred Plant Medicine of Aotearoa’ Volume 1, Completely revised and expanded second edition by Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber.
The Fern Collection©
Moving Beyond Pain, Clearing the Aura – Holistic Aura Clearing and Maintenance Kit
The seven First Light flower Essences of New Zealand® fern essences No’s 37- 43 focus on the aura and help address the seven types of fundamental traumas that we can experience. These fern essences help to clear energetic imprints of trauma from the layers of the aura. The human aura is a multi-layered energetic structure or energy field that surrounds us. It holds within it the influences of everything we have ever experienced. Consequently, any unresolved traumas of any type or degree will continue to energetically exist within our aura, until they are cleared.
Reference: First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Reference Guide
“We only begin to heal when we address our initial wounding and its associated pain and trauma. This trauma can result from a single event or from repeated experiences of abuse or deprivation.”
~ Anthony Wyber
Reference: ‘The Sacred Plant Medicine of Aotearoa’ Volume 1, Completely revised and expanded second edition by Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber.
The Tree Collection©
Balance, Strengthen Protect, Energise and Clear the Chakras – Holistic Chakra Balancing and Maintenance Kit
The seven First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® tree essences No’s 44 – 50 focus on the chakras. They work to balance, strengthen, protect, energise and clear the chakras, enhancing our capacity to deal with the rapidly growing number of 21st century challenges and influences. Each of these seven tree essences correlate to one of the seven major chakras. The chakras are centres of energy that influence all our thoughts, feelings and actions; they establish the quality of our personal life and our experience of life.
Reference: First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Reference Guide
“When the state of the chakras is balanced and well maintained, then inner stability and ease becomes the natural expression of daily living.”
~ Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber
Reference: ‘The Sacred Plant Medicine of Aotearoa’ Volume 1, Completely revised and expanded second edition by Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber.
The Seed Collection©
Restoring the Master Patterns for Living – Primordial Light Codes of Power
The 12 First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® seed essences No’s 51 – 62 focus on the metaphysical layers of DNA and work to restore the original divine blueprints or energetic patterns of right living at a DNA level. They can help to release us from powerful core negative beliefs that have blocked or limited us from being who we feel we truly are. DNA holds the energetic blueprints that are the expression of our perfected nature. They are ‘primordial light codes of power’ – 12 primary patterns that equate to the 12 behavioural patterns that are our true relationship with all life.
Reference: First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Reference Guide
Each First Light® seed essence contains a specific energetic blueprint that aids in the restoration of the corresponding patterns and evolutionary principles of living in peace, harmony and integrity with all life.”
~ Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber
Reference: ‘The Sacred Plant Medicine of Aotearoa’ Volume 1, Completely revised and expanded second edition by Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber.
The Plant Collection©
Enhance Life Experiences, Live Life Consciously – The Soul’s Evolutionary Journey Kit
The 22 First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® plant essences No’s 63 – 84 focus on the soul and are designed to enhance life’s experiences and to assist the soul to move through the 22 universal archetypal life challenges and situations encountered on the journey of life. The soul is that part of us that is here to learn and evolve on its individual journey of growth and development. The challenges, tests, trials and initiations that we meet on that journey are an opportunity to progress and emerge more empowered and whole.
Reference: First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Reference Guide
“The twenty-two First Light® plant essences help us transmute those aspects of our consciousness at a soul level that have prevented us from growing and evolving.”
~ Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber
Reference: ‘The Sacred Plant Medicine of Aotearoa’ Volume 1, Completely revised and expanded second edition by Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber.
Flower Power! What’s that all about?!
I first went to see Patricia a year ago; I was broken and one year on I feel like a new woman!
As for most people, trying something new and outside of your comfort zone creates scepticism, however once I started my First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand I have never looked back. I felt positive changes within 4 weeks.
The essences coupled with Patricia’s guidance gave me a sense of wellbeing and an understanding of myself – very insightful indeed.
I feel that the essences can help with physical and/or mental issues.
Patricia is so easy to talk to and is an excellent listener; I trust her implicitly.
I would highly recommend Patricia and the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand as an alternative treatment to conventional medicine.