Podiatry is a recognised branch of medicine that specialises in the diagnosis, treatment, prevention and management of diseases of the foot, ankle and lower limb.
Common conditions I can assist you with include:
- ankle, heel, arch and forefoot pain
- toe nail conditions: ingrown, fungal and thickened nails
- skin conditions: cracked heels, tinea (Athlete’s Foot) corns, callus, verrucae (warts)
- Diabetic and Rheumatoid feet
Healthy feet are happy feet. ~ Old proverb

Toe Nail Conditions
Ingrown Toenails
Some of the reasons we can develop an ingrown toenail result from incorrect nail trimming, tight footwear or the shape of the nail itself.
Sometimes these can be treated conservatively or they may require a minor surgical procedure under local anaesthetic.
Fungal nails
A fungal nail infection occurs when a fungus penetrates and starts to eat away at the keratin of the nail. This may lead to a discolouration, separation, brittle or crumbly appearance of the nail. There are various topical treatments available which may assist with the infection.
Thickened Toenails
Nails can become hard and thickened due age, a minor repetitive trauma for example a nail constantly hitting the end of a shoe, or through a major trauma for example dropping a heavy weight onto the nail. Thickened nails can be painlessly reduced.

Did you know?
Each foot has 26 bones, 33 joints and a network of more than 100 tendons,
muscles and ligaments. One quarter of all the bones in the human body are in your feet.
When these bones are out of alignment, so is the rest of the body.

Corns and Callus
A corn occurs when there is excess pressure or friction applied to an area of the foot. There are three main types of corn: hard, soft and seed. A hard corn can occur anywhere on the foot and if on the sole of the foot, may feel like you are walking on a small stone. A soft corn often occurs in between the toes and it may have a white rubbery texture.
A seed corn can occur anywhere on the foot and is about the size of a sesame seed.
Corns can often be painlessly removed and a management strategy can be given.
Callus (thickened skin) occurs when there is excess pressure or friction applied to an area of the foot. This is a natural protective response however when the callus becomes too thick, it can become dry and cracked and pain may occur. Callus can be painlessly removed.
Diabetic Feet
Diabetics often require special foot care due to impaired sensation and circulation that may result from diabetes. Maintaining good control of blood sugar levels and having regular footcare and checks, may support your diabetic feet.
As a client of Patricia Stowell and Soul to Sole I avail myself of her services both in podiatry and reflexology.
It is always a pleasure to come away with feet that feel great, whether it’s from Patricia’s expertise in sorting out corns, nails etc or from the amazing feeling after a reflexology treatment.
Her knowledge and experience in these areas along with her wonderful manner makes every visit a pleasant time to unwind whilst my feet receive a welcome treatment.
Sara, Christchurch